


選んだ理由: 有名な本(『考える技術・書く技術』とか)を何冊も読みましたが、この本のレベルまで噛み砕かれないと僕には理解できませんでした。「少しは考えろ!」と常に上司に言われていましたがこれを読んだことがきっかけで全く文句を言われなくなりました。



Content:This looks so basic. What is a "thinking"? Also we do not understand how to "think". You can realize that if you read this.

Appropriate reader: Somebody who can not realize "thinking" like me.

Reason of recommendation: Because I could realize "thinking" with this book. Any other books (for example "The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing and Thinking (Financial Times Series)") are too difficult for me to understand.

It opens up horizons for you if your boss who always says to you "think!" are annoying you.